A disadvantage characteristic to conventional steam and district heating pipes is the great pressure losses over long transfer distances. The use of FW-Fernwärme-Technik steel casing pipes results in clear energy savings.
The pipe consists of the actual product pipe and the surrounding casing pipe. There is insulation in the space between the pipes. The inner pipe is bearing-supported. After installation, a vacuum is created in the space between the pipes, thereby improving the casing pipe’s thermal insulation (the so-called vacuum flask effect). Heat losses as compared to normal pipes are reduced by approx. 40-50%. The pipe can be embedded directly in the ground without concrete pipe envelopes.
Hazardous media/LNG
In addition to transfer pipelines, casing pipes are often used for the transfer of hazardous media. In this case, the casing pipe functions as a back-up in case the actual product pipe is damaged. Loss of vacuum in the intermediate space triggers an alarm, in which case the maintenance personnel can check the situation and take the necessary measures to prevent a potential environmental disaster.
For LNG solutions, a new double-mantle version of the steel casing pipe has been developed, in which case the product pipe is surrounded by the conventional vacuum pipe and an additional air insulation pipe. Read more about the LNG double-mantle pipe from our blog or listen to our short webinar recording on the use of steel casing pipes for LNG transfer purposes.
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