Manually operated shut-off valves

Seat valves are excellent shut-off valves. A cone sealing against a metal shut-off surface functions as the closing element. The valve is leak-tight in the flow direction. Seat valves can be divided into two groups: gland seal seat valves and bellows seal seat valves.

Gland seal valves with a low-emission gland are available for carbon dioxide use. In the case of these valves, the stem seal has been type-tested according to ISO 15848-1 or TA-Luft, for example. In addition to the regular gland, the stem of a bellows seal valve is sealed by welded metal bellows that makes the gland pressure-free and the valve itself easy to operate. No emissions escape through the stem seal of a bellows seal valve.

Various material options are available, ranging from cast iron to acid-proof steel and nickel alloys. Our product range covers DIN and ANSI valves for both low-pressure and high-pressure systems.

When dimensioning a seat valve, it is good to know the system medium, temperature, pressure, and differential pressure across the valve.

Our product range includes ARI low-pressure valves in the weldable version and with DIN and ASME flanges, supplemented by OMB valves. OMB specialises in small, compact shut-off valves; the range also includes special materials.

Our valve range additionally includes STRACK high-pressure shut-off valves up to the pressure rating PN 600. For FEMA seat valves intended for cryogenic use, see the Cryogenic solutions section of the website