Flash vessel

Description VD

The unit consists of a flash vessel with a condensate inlet, one outlet for flash steam and one for condensate, and several connections for the safety and inspection equipment. The flash vessel is designed for all applications where flash steam is produced from condensate, boiler blowdown or hot water, for example. GESTRA flash vessels VD are particularly suited to boiler blowdown heat recovery systems. The unit is designed and sized in accordance with the system operating data.

Description VD23/26

The flash vessels VD23 and VD26 in conjunction with UNA float traps form a compact flash steam system. The vessels have connections for condensate inlet and outlets for flash steam and condensate. Flash vessels are used to separate flash steam from condensate. The vessels are available in the vertical and horizontal version. All flash vessels are dimensioned in accordance with the process values.

Operation VD

Condensate flows through the tangential inlet into the condensate tank of the flash vessel. Owing to the location of the condensate inlet, the flash vessel works like a cyclone separator, forcing the incoming condensate to flow in a spiral pattern. The rotating force separates the condensate flash steam with a residual moisture below 1%. In addition, the rotating effect limits the erosive impact on system components otherwise caused by the flow. The design of the lower part of the flash vessel ensures that the condensate is free of steam bubbles when entering the float trap. VD flash vessels are designed for an operating pressure of 12 bar and a maximum temperature of 200°C. The condensate level in the vessel can be visually inspected by means of an optional magnetically operated liquid level gauge. If necessary, an optional bypass for the float trap can also be installed. There is an inspection hole in the vessel for checking its interior.

Condensate discharge systems with pumps or electric/electropneumatic discharge control are available on request.

Operation VD23/26

Condensate is fed to the vessel through a protection plate designed to reduce the erosion effects of the condensate on the unit. The design of the lower part of the flash vessel ensures that the condensate is free of steam bubbles when entering the float trap